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Real Time Knowledge

> transcript  

Speakers:>  Axel Lapp & Beryl Graham & Guthrie Lonergan & Helen Sloan & Kathryn Lambert
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Video available from FACT TV- Part 3:

The afternoon sessions bring together practical knowledge from artists, curators and researchers concerning issues of time in relation to showing contemporary art. Beyond the hyperbole about the speed of technological change, have human perceptions of time really changed when experiencing art? How much do we know about issues of time and showing art? Do we need to abandon normal ways of showing art, and try new modes?

In these panel presentations, across 4 subject areas, curators and artists are paired with researchers for short presentations followed by questions.

1. Showing Video

New media present exciting new opportunities for fast distribution, narrow-banding audiences, self-distribution, and critical mass ticketing, but the duration and quality can be very different in different kinds of new media. How much do we know about how artists and audiences use these media?

Artist: Guthrie Lonegan and Oliver Laric

Researcher: Michael Connor

2. Showing Live Art

As with any artwork that might be time-based rather than a static object, live art challenges the traditional ways of showing and distributing art, and has used the 'live', real-time and connective characteristics of new media in imaginative ways.

Curator: Helen Sloan

Researcher: Kelli Dipple

3. Showing Interaction and Participation

The current interest in participative work across the arts has underlined the challenging nature of gaining meaningful participation, and the time-investment that it takes for all participants. How much do arts workers know about social and political participation?

Curator: Beryl Graham

Researcher: Axel Lapp

4. Showing Process Rather than Product

Art galleries have sometimes been described as 'laboratories', but the challenges of showing experimental, process-based or immaterial work such as software, is often unfamiliar to curators. What are the time issues of labs, and of showing process-based work?

Curator: Kathryn Lambert

Researcher: Sarah Cook



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